
Famous like a Monster

These are part of a series I did with Beatrice V Schleyer, a New York based photographer of incredible talent. We re-envisioned a few of the old school movie monsters as historically exploited/fetishized public figures (space shuttle test animals, e.g. Laika, Judy Garland, Patty Hearst- match them up yourself).
You can find her work at Ju-Ju Mechanics.com

Published on Paper

Most of my work while in Italy was for Video.
You can look into my resume for some ideas of what I did.
Or go peek on my YouTube channel.

Collaborations: Manko

Manko is probably one of the greatest models you could find, as well as a great inspiration. Her versatility and talent make it always a pleasure to work with her, which I can't do enough, being her located in London.
You can fin her modeling page at http://www.modelmayhem.com/manko .

Collaborations: Ilaria Ceccarelli

Ilaria Ceccarelli is a very talented singer from Milan, who also now lives in New York.
You can listen to her music Here


Some test-work for actresses/models look books.

Fashion Victims

This is a series i did with Alessandra Tisato for an exhibit in Milan.
The pictures were ultimately printed on big poster style paper and pasted to the wall.


Some more Suicidegirls